As a wife and a mom of 3 very different kiddos, I find myself incredibly exhausted after the holidays. First we have Thanksgiving and traveling to be with family. Next we have our youngest daughters December birthday. After the birthday celebrations, we jump into Christmas Eve with my family. Followed by a full Christmas Day with my husbands family. Last, it’s on to planning New Years Eve celebrations for the family, and followed by New Years Day. You’re left feeling both a sense of extreme exhaustion and extreme relief at the very same time. It’s all so draining and I don’t know about you, but it clearly take a huge toll on me. I feel like I’ve got nothing left in my tank to start off the new year. Because of this, I find it incredibly important to take some time for myself. Just a little time each day to recharge, regroup, and gather myself, in order to be the best version of me that I can into the new year. Below I share 8 simple ways to relax and decompress after the hectic holidays.
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Nasal breathing refers to the act of inhaling and exhaling air through the nose. It is the preferred mode of breathing for most individuals.
Benefits of Nasal Breathing include: Improved air quality by filtering out airborne particles through the nasal passages and protecting the lungs. Humidification by adding moisture to the air to prevent dryness and lung irritation. Warming of the nasal passages before air reaches the lungs which reduces the risk of respiratory infections. Enhanced Oxygen Absorption by promoting better oxygenation by slowing down and regulating the flow of air into the lungs. Reduced Stress and Anxiety by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which has calming and relaxing effects.
How to Practice Nasal Breathing:
- Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
- Close your mouth and gently inhale through your nose.
- Hold your breath for a few seconds if desired.Exhale slowly through your nose.
- Repeat for several minutes or as long as you feel comfortable.
There are many benefits to taking a hot bath, including: Cardiovascular health, Muscle relaxation, Skin health, Joint pain relief, Improved sleep, Improving mood, Boosting immunity, Controlling blood sugar, and Reducing inflammation. A nice bath before bedtime always does the trick for me!
Lavender Milk Bath
- 1/4 cup of lavender flowers
- 2 tablespoons of dried butterfly pea flowers for color
- 1 cup of powdered milk (other powdered vegan option ok)
- 2 tablespoons of lavender hydrosol or lavender essential oil (4 drops mixed with 1 tablespoon of preferred carrier oil, we use Jojoba oil)
- 48 oz of warm water
Directions: Slightly grind lavender to release aromatics, using a french press with hot water or a strainer with cheesecloth, steep lavender and butterfly pea flowers for 5 minutes and strain from hot water, add powdered milk, add hydrosol or essential oils, pour into bath and soak for 15-20 minutes.
There are many benefits to massage. Massage can: improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, relieve chronic pain, help the body receive more oxygen and nutrients, reduce inflammation, speed up healing, reduce muscle tension, improve muscle tone, help with stress, reduce anxiety, combat depression, help reduce physical, ease psychological stress, help improve mood, boost energy levels, help you relax, improve sleep, increase flexibility, enhance skin tone, boost immunity, sharpen focus, and enhance athletic performance.
Two or three kids ago my husband and I had monthly massage memberships, but now we are each others massage therapists, and I find it a nice way to connect with one another during the times we are feeling a little too tense and overwhelmed. Whether you are asking your spouse for a nighttime massage before bed, or going into a professional massage therapist, you will find massage is an excellent way to help you relax, unwind and decompress after the hectic holiday season.
Massage Oils: I like to use calendula, comfrey or lavender massage oil that I infuse on my own after a nice hot bath and right before bedtime which is when you muscles are most relaxed. I find this an excellent time to incorporate a good massage. To find my homemade products, please visit our ETSY shop at Aim Natural Products where you can purchase some of those oils made with love, at home, with all natural and organic ingredients and made by ME!
Did you know that drinking tea has many potential health benefits such as: oral health, digestive health, heart health, weight loss, immune system strengthening, brain health, and can provide a boost in antioxidants.
My nightly cup of tea is a very important routine to my evening. I prefer all natural, loose leaf, organic teas steeped with my loose leaf tea infuser . My favorite teas are lavender (good for relaxation at night), peppermint (good for upset tummy or a migraines), and ginger tea (good for inflammation, tension and headaches). If you can try to incorporate a nice warm cup of tea into your night routine I suggest you do as this can help your overall well being in so many ways! It’s quick and easy, delicious, and comes with amazing health benefits!
Fresh air provides numerous benefits for our physical and mental health which include: improved lung function, increased vitamin D production, reduced risk of allergies, enhanced immune function, reduced stress/ anxiety, increased alertness and ability to focus, improved sleep quality, boosted creativity and problem solving, physical activity, improves digestion, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
I find that taking a little time, even if only 20-30 minutes to take a brisk walk outdoors preferably in cool temperatures boosts my mood instantly. I like to walk in the crisp cool morning hours while I practice nose breathing techniques or even in the even right before sunset. As tempted as you may be to bring others along, I find that walking alone, provides the best satisfaction when it comes to trying to gather your thoughts, boost your mood, or to just find a little energy or inspiration. So leave the kids with dad (or mom) and take advantage of a little “me” time by getting your body moving outdoors!
When is the last time you went to watch a movie in the theatre, or you put on a movie in your home that was a movie you chose? A movie that wasn’t Pixar or Disney. As a parent, it can be hard to carve out time to do the things you love but it’s an important part of who we are. Putting on a movie to watch alone or perhaps with your partner can be a very enjoyable thing. I like to watch movies with my spouse after we put the kids to bed. I turn off “mom mode” and actually sit back and enjoy doing nothing other than enjoying quality time and a great movie with my spouse!
We are totally a Amazon family and have found some really great Amazon Prime Movies that are easily accessible with our Amazon Prime Video Membership. Sign up today and click here for the top 10 Movies and TV series in 2024 on Amazon Prime Video.
If you are like me, you’re a “yes” kind of person. I find it incredibly hard to say no. I love helping other people, but sometimes I feel like people might take advantage of me way too often. Saying no isn’t about the other person, it’s about YOU. We are prioritizing our mental and emotional health and setting healthy boundaries in order to be the best version of ourselves. I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with saying yes occasionally or extended help those in need, but within healthy limitations. Don’t stretch yourself beyond your own abilities. Don’t empty your tank so there is nothing left for you.
Saying yes to too many things means readily agreeing to take on more commitments, tasks, or responsibilities than you can realistically manage, often leading to stress, burnout, and feeling overwhelmed due to overcommitting yourself and not setting proper boundaries and prioritizing your time effectively.
Key points about saying yes to too many things:
- People-pleasing tendency
- Lack of boundaries
- Negative consequences such as:
- Increased stress and anxiety
- Decreased productivity and quality of work
- Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out
- Difficulty meeting deadlines
- Potential for neglecting important priorities
How to avoid saying yes to too many things:
- Identify your priorities:
- Set boundaries
- Evaluate requests carefully
- Delegate tasks
- Practice self-awareness
Maybe this isn’t an area that you need to work on, and if you have great discipline already in this area than GREAT! You are so much further along than some of us right now. Perhaps you can pay it forward and share this information to someone you might who is an overcomitter and might need to hear this.
Since I can remember, I have always been an avid reader. I would hide away and read book after book connecting with a fictional world that allowed me time to escape the pressures of the real world. Since becoming a wife and mom, over the years, I’ve neglected that passion of mine. Reading seems so hard now. Sometimes even seems pointless, because I know I’ll never get around to finishing a book that I start. This definitely isn’t in my best interest, and knowing how much I love reading, I know I need to start this back up again. My new years resolution (one of them at least) will be to start reading again (one new book each quarter).
Reading has many benefits, including:
- Stress reduction
- Improved focus and concentration
- Mental stimulation
- Vocabulary expansion
- Memory improvement
- Better writing skills
- Creativity and imagination
- Communication skills
- Mental health
- Empathy
- Mentoring
I encourage you to give it a go! Doesn’t have to be fiction. You can read whatever might interest you, but it is so very good for the overall health and well being of our minds. It is also an excellent way to relax and decompress. Maybe reading a book isn’t your thing, than perhaps an Amazon Audio book? I prefer to use Amazon Kindle or Amazon Prime Reading for all of my E-books. Browse through hundreds of popular book titles to find something that you love. Click here to find the top 2024 Amazon Books. Happy reading!
I hope you find all 8 of these very different ways helpful in finding a little rest and relaxation for yourself in the new year. Rest and decompress! You deserve it. Please share with us which one you found the most helpful in your own wellbeing, we are always eager to hear about successes within our community. You can comment on this blog or send us an email at [email protected].
May your year be positive and prosperous to you and your entire family. God Bless!
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